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Gratis Rezi Lifetime CV checker

Gratis Rezi Lifetime CV checker

Geldig t/m: 13-02-2023 14:31
Geldig t/m: 13-02-2023 14:31

Je kunt nu dankzij de kortingscode LIFETIME-SOS20 gratis toegang krijgen tot de Rezi CV checker. Dit programma bekijkt d.m.v. kunstmatige intelligentie je CV en geeft je tips over punten die je aan je CV kunt toevoegen. Best wel handig lijkt me en het is dus helemaal gratis. Volg de stappen hieronder om jouw levenslange toegang tot Rezi te krijgen 

  • Go to the SharewareOnSale exclusive giveaway registration page and click the green GET STARTED NOW button
  • You should be redirected to a signup/login page. If you have an existing account, simply log in using your account details. If new user, scroll to bottom of page and click SIGN UP. Proceed by creating an account by providing your preferred email and password. Don't forget to click CREATE AN ACCOUNT to confirm. (Important: After signing up, you will be asked to verify your email address. Click the confirmation link sent by Rezi on your email inbox to verify your email address.)
  • Once you are logged in to your Rezi account , click the UPGRADE button at the bottom of the left panel. Under Subscription Plan tab, make sure you select LIFETIME plan. It should display as "You’ve selected the Lifetime plan for your Rezi account, billed $89 once." Skip the rest of the details below it.
  • Now proceed to REDEMPTION CODE tab. Under it, make sure to enter the following giveaway redeem code on the field provided then click ACTIVATE to confirm:
    • SharewareOnSale exclusive redemption code: LIFETIME-SOS20


Deal score: 251