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Hearthstone: gratis 3x Journey to Un’Goro card packs

Hearthstone: gratis 3x Journey to Un’Goro card packs

Geldig t/m: 29-05-2017 23:59
Deal score: 277
Geldig t/m: 29-05-2017 23:59

Hearthstone heeft de 70 miljoen spelers bereikt en dat vieren ze met drie gratis card packs. Je hoeft alleen in te loggen voor het einde van mei.

It’s a good thing that there’s always room for one more, because the tavern has now welcomed over 70 Million players! On top of that, with Journey to Un'Goro, Hearthstone had more players playing together on the same day—around the whole world—than at any point in its history!

The Next Round’s on US!

We’re humbled and grateful that so many players have chosen to join us for some Hearthstone fun. As our way of saying thanks, starting today through the end of May, everyone who logs in will receive three free Journey to Un’Goro card packs. Yup! Everyone! Even new players! Just log in to claim your bonus packs!


Deal score: 277

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