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Kortingscode Yoshop voor extra korting op Original Xiaomi Mi Band 2 voor €19,19

Kortingscode Yoshop voor extra korting op Original Xiaomi Mi Band 2 voor €19,19

Geldig t/m: 03-03-2017 23:59
Deal score: 811
Geldig t/m: 03-03-2017 23:59

Gebruik yoshop kortingscode YSMIBAND2 en ontvang €19,19 korting op je bestelling bij yoshop.

Mi Band 2 is a smart watch bracelet for you, especially for sports lovers!
Do you know how many steps you take, how many calories you consume, and how far you run? Don't worry, when you wear the bracelet to do exercise, such as running, climbing, all these data can be synchronized and analyzed on your mobile phone which helps you plan your exercise time and amount more reasonably. It comes with TPU adjustable wristband, giving you a skin-friendly, breathable feeling. When you sleep, it will monitor your sleep. It can also wake you up by vibrating gently.
Mi Band 2 record every moment staying with you. Just to live a healthy life with it!

Main Features:
- Bluetooth Synchronization
- OLED Touch Screen
- Heart Rate Monitor
- Incoming Calls / APP Message Alert
- Sleeping Monitoring
- Sport Monitoring
- Intelligent Alarm Function
- No Passcodes Required
- IP67 Waterproof
- Full Compatibility
- Download APP


Deal score: 811

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