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[iOS app] File Manager Pro Gratis

[iOS app] File Manager Pro Gratis

Geldig t/m: 15-07-2017 23:59
Deal score: 488
Geldig t/m: 15-07-2017 23:59

File Manager Pro is the best app to download, organize and view all your files on your iPhone or iPad. It is like the Windows Explorer on your PC or the Finder on your Mac. You can always have your documents right at your fingertips.


You can download your files from your computer using iTunes or open documents directly from Email. In addition, File Manager Pro connects to a large variety of cloud services, such as Dropbox or Download features include:

-Google Drive
-Browser Download
-Open from Email
-Open docs from other apps


The intuitive user interface is amazingly simple and makes organizing your content just a breeze. The app combines traditional file browsing with a truly touch enabled experience. The path view feels just right for navigating through your files. In detail the app has the following features:

-Create new folders
-Mark favorite files
-Copy and move documents
-Open files in other apps
-Print documents
-Rename files
-Zip and unzip
-Email files


Deal score: 488

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