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Multiponk tijdelijk gratis voor iOS

Multiponk tijdelijk gratis voor iOS

Geldig t/m: 27-05-2017 23:59
Geldig t/m: 27-05-2017 23:59

Quite realistic game on a board, reminding aero hockey, so interesting that already captures spirit. You can create a game for two and it will be even more cheerfully to play. Control is done by one finger, simply take the blade and move it. Try to goal a ball into gate of the rival and don’t let's to make a goal into yours. In Multiplayer mode use bumpers, get bonuses and win against your friends. There is also a single mode in which you will play against the computer. You are waited for by realistic physics, excellent graphics, 7 modes of game, various bonuses, 5 sizes of ball, sand also an original soundtrack


Deal score: 133