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Game Studio Tycoon 2 (Android) gratis

Game Studio Tycoon 2 (Android) gratis

Geldig t/m: 14-08-2017 23:59
Deal score: 191
Geldig t/m: 14-08-2017 23:59

Level 20
Instaleer Game Studio Tycoon 2 (Android) gratis bij
Welcome to the next generation of game development! Game Studio Tycoon 2 puts you in the place of an independent game developer during the early days of the gaming industry. Play through 50 years of gaming history and develop on over 40 different platforms! Expand your studio along the way and hire up to 16 employees! 

- Play 50 years of gaming history.

- Manage every detail of your studio! Hire employees, create up to 3 separate teams, raise money by getting investors and create games, consoles, and more!

- 4 unique locations with room for up to 16 employees!


Deal score: 191

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