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Sale bij Playstation Store met kortingen tot 65% op digitale games

Sale bij Playstation Store met kortingen tot 65% op digitale games

Geldig t/m: 06-08-2017 23:59
Deal score: 287
Geldig t/m: 06-08-2017 23:59

Level 20
Playstation Store sale met kortingen oplopend tot maar liefst 65% op digitale games.

Whether it’s Rocket League, What Remains of Edith Finch, Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap, Euro Fishing or Darkest Dungeon, you’ll find plenty to get stuck into!

We also have content for free-to-play titles on offer. Head to PlayStation Store to find savings on content for the likes of Neverwinter, World of Tanks, Warframe and more.

Not only that, if you’re a PlayStation Plus member, you can save up to 20% on selected digital and indie pre-orders such as SuperHot VR, Last Days of June, Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles and more.

The Totally Digital category page on PlayStation Store has all your pricing details. Here’s a look at what’s on offer.


Deal score: 287

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