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Kijk gratis de nieuwste Neil Blomkamp sci-fi short Firebase (±30min) op Steam of Youtube

Kijk gratis de nieuwste Neil Blomkamp sci-fi short Firebase (±30min) op Steam of Youtube

Geldig t/m: 29-07-2017 23:59
Geldig t/m: 29-07-2017 23:59

Kijk nu de nieuwste Neil Blomkamp sci-fi short Firebase (±30min) gratis bij Steam of Youtube
Firebase opens with a disfigured American soldier tied to a post. Soon, American GIs start coming across bodies with strange, horrifying growths under the skin. When they look into the sky, they see a Huey dismantled in mid-flight, while more footage shows tanks and planes floating in the air. The CIA starts investigating the unexplained occurrences, and a team gears up to confront the River God, a seemingly invincible supernatural creature behind the strange incidents — and possibly other things beyond their comprehension.

PS, kijk ook naar RAKKA! En volgende week nog een nieuwe short!


Deal score: 101